All A-Board Tickets on Sale Now
We’re thrilled to announce that All A-Board tickets are on sale now. So, if you’re ready for an evening of food, music, and art auctions supporting downtown Raleigh’s first skatepark, go, get your tickets, and join us in Union Station on April 16.
Local officials, leaders, supporters, and media are invited to attend the groundbreaking of The Conlon Family Skatepark on March 22!
Join Us for a Pop-Up Skatepark on March 16
Join us on March 16 for a pop-up Skatepark in Raleigh Union Station Plaza.
Ever wanted to skate in a parade?
Already skating the streets of downtown Raleigh? Why not do it in the St. Patrick’s Day parade with Skate Raleigh?
If you skate, scoot, bike, or blade, we'd love for you to join us this Saturday, March 11, 2023, at 9:30 a.m.
Save the Date for All A-Board
Up for an evening of food, music, and art to fund The Conlon Family Skatepark? Well, make sure to plan on joining us on April 16, 2023, at Union Station in Downtown Raleigh.
Stay Connected: There’s A Lot Going On
We’re gearing up for Spring with a bunch of events coming up! Happy hours, pop-up skateparks, and much much more. Don’t want to miss out? Signup for our email updates.
The Art of the Skateboard Stamps
Skateboard art and artists are getting recognized on stamps this year. The stamps feature the work of four diverse artists from all across the United States.
BMX Pump Track Anyone?
How does a BMX facility in downtown Raleigh sound? We know, we’re called Skate Raleigh, but don’t be mistaken: We’re supporting all action sports here in the City of Oaks. Right now, we’re pumped about bringing this BMX feature downtown.
Thanks for Joining Us in Moore Square!
Thank you all for coming out to Moore Square, and we hope to see you and those who didn't make it at the next one. You can help build The Conlon Family Skatepark by supporting us and being part of making something extraordinary happen in our community!
News & Observer Coverage
We’re in the news, again! Check out The News & Observer’s latest coverage of Skate Raleigh.
Join Us at Our Pop-Up Skatepark on February 5
Join us at our pop-up in Moore Square on February 5, 11am-5pm. All abilities and ages are invited to try out our setup—for free! Don’t forget your helmet.
The New York Times Covers the Benefits of a New Skatepark in Rome
A new skatepark was added to the city center in Rome. They’ve seen immediate benefits—ones that we continue to see reported about new skatepark builds across the globe.
Help Shape a Skate Spot in Hillsborough
The Town of Hillsborough wants to hear from skaters about getting a "skate spot" built out in Cates Creek Park.
Look What I Got You
The holidays are busy, and there’s no shortage of obligations. But, if you’re running behind on gifts, we have a great idea: Give the gift of helping build a skatepark in downtown Raleigh.
UPDATED: NYE Pop-Up Skatepark in Moore Square
Come on down to Moore Square from 2:00 p.m. until sunset on New Year’s Eve to skate, blade, and scoot out the last day of 2022!
Kickflips Allowed, Indeed
Raleigh Magazine explores our plans to build Conlon Family Skatepark in downtown Raleigh.
New Skatepark on the Horizon for Downtown Raleigh
Local leaders and young skate enthusiasts have come together to advocate and raise funds for Skate Raleigh, an organization dedicated to bringing a new skatepark to downtown Raleigh slated to open in Spring of 2023
Ready to show your support?
Who doesn’t love t-shirts and hoodies? Please help us build this skatepark with a donation and show off your support. We need to get 100 donations for each before we can produce these shirts and hoodies.
Site Cleanup
Skate Raleigh and the City of Raleigh get a site cleanup ahead of the design team visit. More than a dozen volunteers showed up to clear invasive plants and let us get a good look at the site.
(Pop-Up Skate) Parks for the People
The block party put on by Longleaf Lounge, Dorothea Dix Park Conservancy, and Trophy Brewing Co. on November 6, 2022, in support of the county park bond was a blast.