Have a “Big Idea” for Raleigh Skateparks? Take the Survey!
Raleigh Parks is working on an updated system plan using community input. In addition to prioritizing individual, community, and environmental health, they want to know our big ideas for what we want our parks system to look like in the next 3-5 years.
Let’s Get a Skate Spot at Jaycee Park
Help us transform the old Jaycee Park Convenience Center space into a vibrant skate spot!
Skateparks Expand the Use of Your Local Parks
Re-purposing underused land as a skate park can have vast community benefits, providing a safe and accessible space for children, teens, and adults to come together and enjoy a shared activity.
The New York Times Covers the Benefits of a New Skatepark in Rome
A new skatepark was added to the city center in Rome. They’ve seen immediate benefits—ones that we continue to see reported about new skatepark builds across the globe.
Skateboarding improves mental health, fosters community, and encourages diversity.
Withover 5,000 responses and interviews with 120 skaters and skate community stakeholders across the US, this 2020 study’s findings fly in the face of commonly-held misperceptions of skateboarding culture.
Spohn Ranch Covers the Benefits of Skateparks
This is a great, one-stop shop read to an overview of six great reasons to support public skateparks.