Shade Sheds Come to Life at Conlon Family Skatepark

You may remember we launched a fundraiser earlier this month* to support upcoming improvements to Conlon Family Skatepark. Part of that fundraiser went toward adding shade to the park, and we're excited to unveil our new shade sheds.

*You can still donate to the multi-part fundraiser until August 13, 2024!

Designed and built by NCSU College of Design students in just 10 weeks, the structures are a multipurpose installation adding seating, shade, and even a skateable element. While the skatepark location is temporary, these structures won't be: They'll be moved to other areas of the city after the skatepark closes in July 2025. Can't get much cooler than that!

We'd send our thanks to Professors Randy Lanou and Erik Mehlman for leading this project, the City of Raleigh’s Design Review Commission for their grant, and to everyone who supported the fundraiser. We couldn't be happier that our amazing community continues to support functional and fun projects like these.


The celebration isn't over yet! Join us for the ribbon cutting event at the skatepark on August 21 at 6:30pm with friends from NC State’s College of Design, BuildSense, and the City of Raleigh.


Join Us for the SK8SHADE Ribbon Cutting


Seats, Shade, and Sights Coming Soon to the Conlon Family Skatepark