We’re already in the news!

Bird's eye view of the proposed skate park site.

And actively engaged Raleigh’s citizens are—specifically 16-year-old skateboarder Adrian Mangano, a sophomore at Enloe Magnet High School who is spearheading the charge. While plans for an interim public use of the site are currently undetermined, Mangano, alongside a few other locals, is calling for the space to be used as a temporary skate park where area youth and adults can skateboard, scooter or BMX (bicycle motocross). They’ve even developed a website to gain support and public interest (skateraleigh.com)—though, like the park, it’s in its nascent stages. 

For those in the know, images of other mini-metropolises with recognized skate parks roll to mind—like Burnside in Portland or Skate Lab in Atlantic Beach, Florida. These havens are proven to provide area youth—and adults alike—safe spaces to ride while also keeping them off streets and city properties (e.g. government building stairs…). 

Check out "Street Dreams" in Raleigh Magazine.


Spohn Ranch Covers the Benefits of Skateparks