Halfway Home

With the successful first year of Downtown Raleigh’s first skatepark now in the books, Skate Raleigh is presenting critical opportunities for supporters to pitch-in and contribute to the skatepark.

Take a look below at the details and make a donation using the link>>>

The Details

Halfway Home is a fundraiser for the final improvements at the Conlon Family Skatepark. Each project below is a unique and tangible way to improve the site and continue the success of the skating in Raleigh. 

Both projects will be ready in August, then live on after the skatepark’s closing date (July 2025) in other areas of the city.

The Sk8 Shade

Thanks to NC State College of Design Students and Faculty, the Conlon Family Skatepark is the focus of a 10-week course project to construct four adaptable shade and seating structures, offering respite to skaters and spectators. Professors Randall Lanou and Erik Mehlman have both been teaching this course and leading this summer project for 10+ years, serving many local non-profits with remarkable and functional modern builds. 

The estimated cost of the project is $35k, with the City of Raleigh’s Appearance Commission generously contributing $16k. We are looking to close the gap with donations. These six structures will be combinable, portable, skate-proof, and eventually transferred to a new Raleigh Parks site once the lease is up at the skatepark in June 2025. 

Check out the final product here.

Chris Facey Installation

Running over 400’ beside Capital Boulevard, the Conlon Family Skatepark sees 55,000 vehicles pass the site everyday. While the site gives Raleigh a great glimpse into the local skate community, our hope is to improve the appearance and visibility of the skatepark with Facey’s recent skater-focused photography across the city. 

Utilizing a semi-transparent construction mesh grade fence wrap (at 4’ tall), we will print selected works as an art installation on the Capital Boulevard side of the skatepark to showcase the local photographer’s subjects, Raleigh’s action sports community, and the public-private partnership between Skate Raleigh and the City of Raleigh through the Conlon Family Skatepark.